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CreaGen Life Science Incubator attended the NESACS September Symposium

CreaGen Life Science Incubator and interns had an opportunity to attend the NESACS medicinal chemistry symposium on September 14th, 2017.

It was a great experience listening to lectures on cutting edge drug discoveries and techniques from several speakers, especially the topic of antibody drug conjugate (ADC).

The continuous development of ADC have risen incredibly to create a safer drug with better specificity for site targeting and less toxicity since its birth in the early 1900s. Many brilliant scientists have worked earnestly to discover new concepts and delivery system to help the populations who are in need of more effective drugs and help unfold the mystery of diseases, predominantly, cancer.

Our interns had the honor to present the “thank you” gifts to the speakers. The interns: Kaitlyn Arseneault (Middlesex Community College, Biotech), Emily Giantonio (Framingham State University, Chemistry), and Rachael Duffy (Framingham State University, Chemistry), have found that being there listening to the lectures helped them to understand more of what is out there in the biotech world beyond their classrooms.

Sept 14th Symposium: “Enabling Technologies: Atom to Antibody” at Takeda Oncology.


Ben Askew: Scifluor Lifesciences, Cambridge, MA

Julie Liu: Concert Pharmaceuticals, Boston, MA

Andrew Roughton: Encycle Therapeutics, Toronto, ON

Keynote Speaker:

Ravi Chari: Immunogen, Cambridge, MA

We thank the NESACS committee for putting the symposium together and providing great lectures and social/networking time.

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